Thursday, March 20, 2008


We get these frozen berries that the kids LOVE! Raz, blue and blackberries. Good in yogurt, with a little milk on top so it freezes into 'ice-milk' , in pancakes, on icecream, or just in a bowl with a spoon.


So, I have strep throat and as I spend the day sitting around and looking at pictures I'm reminded of a few things:
1. Most people in America have too much "Stuff". Toys, clothes, movies, tech gear, furniture... you name it.
Kezzie loves the bananna boxes I picked up from the store. But, she likes to fill them with "stuff". Hmmm.
2. I've always had access to health care.. whether I had to pay for it or not... it's around and I can go to the doctor on my
block or on the other side of America. SUCH a blessing.
3. Kids are honest. Grown-ups not so much.
4. Everyone has their own agenda... what if, on everyone's list, was to be a blessing to someone else. I'm still working on
Boy, being sick makes my brain hurt.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Couldn't Pass This Up

So, I blogged about Zander and his thing with wearing LOTs of tee-shirts at once...
And then i happened to come across this video..

So, I guess he's headed towards The Guiness Book... which really doesn't suprise me. LOL!

Friday, March 14, 2008


I just found this picture from when Michaela was doing some vocabulary homework. They had to fill out a whole sheet with definitions .. different forms of the word and so on. Then they had to draw a pic or put a pic with it ... well, the word was drenched and she convinced her brother to stand in the shower for a shot.... oh boy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jesus Rocks

I just really want this shirt. That's all.


So, this is Jordon in his spaceship. He was giving his brother a ride when Zander started getting kinda wild.. so Jordon says..
"Do I have to pull this spaceship over?" Jeff and I exchanged eyebrow looks and laughed.


Kezzi loves to put on hats.. or blankets.. or anything. She finds all kinds of stuff to put on her head. Also... for some reason, she loves to gather socks. She'll go around the house picking up all the socks she can find and just carry them in a big bundle. Hmm.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Went out to CA for a job interview (more to come about that), and while there I took the plunge and got my first tattoo. I really do love it and have no regrets about the"permanency " of it. This Psalms says : Seek peace and pursue it. It's a must for everyone.. don't you think?