Thursday, February 8, 2007

Life with Kids

I really wish I could figure out how to get pictures up's not working for some reason...anyways, 'tis another chilly day in WI. It's actually supposed to get up to 9 deg. wich is almost warm. The kids had school off Mon. because the wind chill made it 35-40 BELOW ZERO and i guess that's not safe for you to go out in. Well, we went to swimming lesons anyways (hey, when you pay for something...) Zander had his first dentist appt. today and was very unsure about the whole idea of it. He kept saying something about the dentist using a rock to take his teeth out.. I dunno... maybe a flash back from his past life as a caveman or something. anyhoo.. it went great and he has beautiful chompers. Michaela, me and the baby are headed off to Colorado this weekend so she can ski with her cousins. It should be fun to see Jeff's mom and fam. Hope you are all enjoying the winter months. Love, Michele

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