Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I'm blogging because I do not want to do dishes. *Refer to picture on April 16th blog. Yessir I'm gonna just start using paper plates and plasticwear. Phooey!


Frigbat said...

I second that emotion!!!! :)

Love you, girl!

Christi said...

Jeff has been doing most of the dishes for us and it makes me sooo happy (even if he's only doing it to avoid his own work). But seriously, as soon as you wash them, the sink gets full again. I think the only time I ever cuss is when I'm doing dishes.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys! Do you remember us...Matt and Pam Johnson from Multnomah? Booker and I worked at Pizza Hut times! You had us over for spaghetti after you got married. :) We stumbled on to your blog from some Multnomah site and had fun reading through. You're kids are so sweet...all FOUR! We have three kids...all boys. We're hoping for a girl someday but we'll have fun either way. You'll have to come by and say hi on our Pam