Thursday, March 20, 2008


So, I have strep throat and as I spend the day sitting around and looking at pictures I'm reminded of a few things:
1. Most people in America have too much "Stuff". Toys, clothes, movies, tech gear, furniture... you name it.
Kezzie loves the bananna boxes I picked up from the store. But, she likes to fill them with "stuff". Hmmm.
2. I've always had access to health care.. whether I had to pay for it or not... it's around and I can go to the doctor on my
block or on the other side of America. SUCH a blessing.
3. Kids are honest. Grown-ups not so much.
4. Everyone has their own agenda... what if, on everyone's list, was to be a blessing to someone else. I'm still working on
Boy, being sick makes my brain hurt.


Christi said...

I loved your deep thoughts...I know, when I am sick my mind goes on a rampage thinking about things like crazy. I'm working on the blessing to others agenda too. I want to be that pure but that dang sin gets tangled up everywhere.

I am praying for you to get better don't need this right now!

yocat12 said...

what a great thought!!! Just so you know, you are a blessing to me!!! Whenever I give my testimony, you are at the core.